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Ep. #204 - Phase HOLY CRAP
• Intro - In preparation for the show Austin didn't go on the internet (okay, he did, but he avoided anywhere that could have news about comics) so he got the Marvel film news fresh as a piece of food from the Fresher. Our sponsors DCBS have a new location in Fort Wayne, and still offer you the highest discounts on comics.
• Topic Thunder - The new Marvel movie news dominates our head functions, and then we talk about a comic from Vertigo.
• Intro - In preparation for the show Austin didn't go on the internet (okay, he did, but he avoided anywhere that could have news about comics) so he got the Marvel film news fresh as a piece of food from the Fresher. Our sponsors DCBS have a new location in Fort Wayne, and still offer you the highest discounts on comics.
• Topic Thunder - The new Marvel movie news dominates our head functions, and then we talk about a comic from Vertigo.