Wednesday, September 9, 2015

#244 - Metal Gear Snobbery

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Ep. #244 - Metal Gear Snobbery

• Intro - Go to DCBS where comics and comics-related things are between 20% and 40% off. You're bound to find something you love. Is Metal Gear Solid the modern equivalent of whatever is great from any and all past ages? Discuss. Aziz Ansari used research (conducted by someone else) to figure out the Japanese people hate dating. What does that mean? We're not sure. But his co-writer Eric Klinenberg didn't get credited on the cover of the book he helped write, so maybe it's all just made up anyway.

• Topic Thunder - Writer for The Comics Journal, R. Fiore, recently published an article titled A Problem For the Comics Snob, which was eye-catching, but also interesting to read. It focuses on comics written by Matt Fraction, mostly, and does so as a way of gravitating towards "mainstream" comics that are "acceptable" to the "snobs." Trust me, those quotation marks are needed. Here's the article!

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